Cancer is Not Canceled This Fall

Fall is usually associated with football, tailgating, and Halloween parties. Steven loved them all! But this year is very different. Because of the pandemic, many events have been postponed or canceled. Unfortunately, cancer has not been canceled. It is in full force, continuing to devastate lives day after day.

In response to all of these cancellations, many people have adopted the optimistic attitude that “there is always next year.” This is a great outlook to have…unless you are battling cancer. Without continued research and the development of new treatments, these patients may not get a “next year.” They may not get another chance to participate in all of the events and family gatherings that they have missed in 2020. That is why, despite the pandemic, the Steven Vanover Foundation will keep working hard to fund rare cancer research! We want these patients to be able to plan their Halloween costumes for next year and for many years to come!

Help us continue to fight cancer by supporting SVF today.


Shop to support rare cancer this holiday season


Steven's Advice: Take Risks, Help People